miércoles, febrero 25, 2009

Generado Boletín de Noticias de Febrero de INETA Latam 2009

Desde Ineta Latam enviamos un gran saludo a todos los grupos de usuarios, líderes de comunidad, delegados, directivos, voluntarios, oradores, comunidades y todas aquellas personar que durante el año pasado nos apoyaron y fortalecieron sus comunidades. En enero hemos hecho un balance de las actividades y de los logros obtenidos durante el año pasado, lo cuales fueron solo posibles gracias al trabajo arduo y en conjunto con cada uno de ustedes. En este boletín Miguel Almeyda me ha enviado el resultado de la auditoria que hemos hecho a los grupos de usuarios, el cual a continuación les compartiré...

lunes, febrero 23, 2009

Microsoft TechDays 2009, Virtual developer events

Microsoft TechDays 2009 is a really exciting event being put together, and a fantastic opportunity for the INETA user groups to show what they can do! On April 1st, we will be running a 24 hour around the world virtual developer event. The more speakers we can get from user groups the better. In fact, it would be a great opportunity for local groups to get together to watch the sessions! Could you please get the announcement below out to all of your groups and strongly encourage them to take part, either as speakers delivering sessions or as user groups promoting and watching them. By the way – speakers and content can be in any language, not just English!

Call for Content

Are you interested in sharing your knowledge with your peers around the world? We are looking for passionate speakers to submit topics that developers would be interested in learning about.
This is an open call for sessions so please feel free to refer other industry experts to this site.

Please note that if you submit a session for consideration, this does not guarantee that your session will be accepted for this event.